Loan vs. Lend


Some say loan is a noun and lend is a verb and "Loan me some money" is wrong.

Not so ...

[audio:|titles=0083 Loan vs Lend]


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2 Responses to “Loan vs. Lend”

  1. So, in other words, if I'm writing a novel and I want to check it for the grammar of my descriptive writing in the book, I should use the verb "loan" regarding money and "lend" regarding objects? However, in the conversational dialogues of the characters of my novel, it's okay for me to use the verbs "loan" and "lend" interchangeably?

  2. Billy Jay: Characters in novels can speak any way the author wants them to -- proper or not. And even the most educated speakers often use "loan" as a verb meaning "lend." I'd say that's fine in almost any context, but especially in character dialogue.