Happy National Grammar Day!


Monday, March 4, is National Grammar Day.

The holiday was started 11 years ago by author, super-mom, and all-around cool person Martha Brockenbrough, Founder of Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar, Brockenbrough started the holiday 11 years ago as a way to help people focus on grammar learning. Organizations like ACES, the American Copy Editors Society, come up with creative ways to celebrate every year, like these fun punctuation cookies ACES aces showed off last year.

My personal recommendation on how to spend the holiday: Spend a little time thumbing through the front matter of a dictionary — especially the "How to Use This Dictionary" stuff. It helps you unlock mysteries like, for example, whether you can use "graduate" as a transitive verb or whether it needs a preposition "from" to connect it to an object.

Another way to celebrate: Check out Saturday Evening Post copy editor Andy Hollandbeck's post: Celebrate National Grammar Day by Not Being an Insufferable Know-It-All.

